Sunday, August 2, 2009

Special Friend

I got a call from one of my sisters last Wednesday night, out of the blue. I usually don't get these kinds of calls unless it is to share news or something similar so I found it odd. This particular sibling is the 2nd to the youngest. You know when you're a teenager with little siblings one of them usually attaches themselves to you and won't let you breathe unless they're there to see it happen? well that was her. Of course with age and families and life we've not kept the same kind of closeness but it isn't hard to pick things up where we left off.

After the general niceties she went on to ask if I was OK? I told her I was. She said that mom had mentioned my separation and she decided to call me to check up on me. So we spent the next 10-20 minutes talking about the separation, the kids, etc. From the conversation I could sense that she didn't know the 'real reason' so I asked her if mom had told her to which she replied no. So I went ahead and came out to her. Her response was very positive and non-judgmental. She voiced her support and best wishes and then she asked:

"Is there a special friend in your life?"<---is that like Mormon code for "Got a boyfriend?"

All I could do was laugh-out-loud and promptly responded NO although I consider many of my friends very special--but probably not in the way my sister was referring. Once we finished our conversation I got thinking will I have a "special friend" in my life down the road? Ever? The thought keeps creeping in my mind as I have gone out to meet other gay persons through activities and see how the young ones are so open in their display of affection --even at the friend level with each other and I'm sure this will make it easier for some of them to actually move their relationships further in a romantic way--and of course the occasional partnered couple. I'm sure in time all things are possible--in time...

So anyway, sorry to sidetrack so badly, that makes parents + 3 siblings that know about me. So far the responses are positive, but still have a ways to go. One of the disadvantages (or advantage, depending on how it can be looked at) is that most of them live out of town, so will work my way down slowly I suppose.


  1. I'm glad you sister was so supportive. I wonder so often about the same thing - will I ever really have someone in my life? I'm 80% convinced the answer is no but, strangely, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to. It bothers me - just not as much.

    You sound better and that's a good thing!

  2. Hi Controller,
    Thanks for your kind note, I do feel much better. In spite of everything good and seemingly bad I've experienced I have high hopes for the future.

  3. I think you have lots of "special friends" here in this corner of the bloggosphere.

  4. Beck!!!
    I may want to start 'cashing out' on all my special friends here soon! LOL. Thanks for your lovely note!
