Friday, April 24, 2009

It happened: The Conversation

My last post was an attempt to reach out to other men who might be in the same boat but may not speak English, but who knows...there are no Latin gay men, right? wink, wink...

Anyway, I want to let you all fellow mohos know that my wife and I have had the conversation of where we're going. She had been recuperating from surgery recently and had a lot of down time to rest and think about our lives and she confronted me today. Without much detail I'm here to tell you I was honest with her, it is time to deal with it and admitted that although I've tried otherwise, I'm gay, that is not going to change.

As far as a mixed-marriage life, well that is probably not going to happen. I think many things have been said/done to feel any kind of connection in many levels. What happens from here? well, I don't know. We re in a cross-roads situation where really anything is possible, so I might be updating my experiences here, who knows maybe not....I'm kind of an emotional wreck right now, so I suppose the only thing I can ask is that if you pray, please keep my family in your prayers, if you light candles or send cosmic karma, send some our way, we're going to need it.


  1. Prayer I can do for sure.

    And if there is anything else we can possibly do, let us know. You are always welcome in our home.

    Hang in there.

  2. PL, my heart goes out to you both. I hope you both find peace in your future relationship.
