Wednesday, December 16, 2009

December's Topic: When I knew

I'm following Abelard's monthly topic and I had a pretty good time reading Scrum Central's .

My earliest memory about this topic would be sitting in the men's locker room and realizing that there were naked men all around and I could not take my eyes off of them. I couldn't have been more than 8 or 9 years old...the feeling and sensation of that experience were something I'd never had before. The next time was probably a few years later (likely 12 or 13) when I opened my parent's Reader's Digest and there he was, an athlete (possibly a baseball or football player) in his red-colored briefs for an underwear ad...O M G !! The same feelings I had in the locker room came rushing back. If I had I hid that magazine and looked at that one page from time to time.

The feelings (or should I say the signs!!!) were all there, watching TV shows, I used to love to watch the Brady Bunch reruns because I had the biggest crush on Greg and Peter. I loved watching Little House on the Prairie because I loved watching Mr Ingels and Laura's husband, no other reason, LOL. Movies? Do I even have to go there? I likely spent the next few years watching hottie men on film and TV and crushing on them big time.

But for me when I probably realized I was gay and it wasn't going to change was about three months after I was married and feeling the lust after noticing a very handsome man---yeah that way--wanting to rip his clothes off and find out what it was all about. I should have paid attention much sooner, but hey, some of us are slow learners!!!

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