Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Overwhelmed for no reason?

I don't know if this happens to any other fellow Mohos but sometimes I get reading Fellow blogs and I get weighed down by their trials and struggles. I wish I could run & hug them, fix or make whatever is making them feel bad vanish--I realize that I can't do that in real life, but just can't help feel that way. Often times I find myself wiping tears off my eyes reading blogs and have to make myself stop reading, as I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Why is it that we tend to write more about struggles than we do about good milestones or just menial life stuff? (oh wait, that's what Facebook is for, right?) Is it that this kind of forum helps us vent our frustrations, secret fears and hopes while we put a good persona in the other social media? I know I do as much as I'd like to deny it.

How do you deal with the feelings of overwhelm?

How do you get the world off your shoulders?

How do you just focus on something else?

How do you let go?

How do you?



  1. Such difficult questions to answer. I think that this forum allows for more walls to go down because even those of us that share a lot of personal information do have some anonymity. Many of you know each other in person so you are sharing with people that you see in person from time to time. For me I have met very few of my readers and live far enough away that I probably never will. With the anonymity comes a certain amount of not having to care what the other person thinks; what I mean to say is that it hurts less perhaps to be judged by digital people, or there is at least less risk.

    to begin to answer some of your questions at the bottom of your post I would say that other people tend to be my answer for those questions. Having a good social network with really good people to talk to and depend on has been key for me.

    This may also be an answer unique to my situation but having other causes to throw myself into has been helpful. When I get down I have plenty of people around me to help. I have plenty of kids that need to learn sight words to drill. I think that rather than calling it "other causes" the church would tell you to find some service to do.

  2. I don't have any answers but I just wanted to say that I go through the same thing sometimes.

  3. Well, by reading some others' trials will make us being grateful to God.

    I use my blog to write anything that is interesting for me to write, whether it's my struggles, my achievement, or anything else.

    Writing is one of the way to unload our problems, beside talking to our best friends.


  4. Many of us see writing as a means of dealing with emotional turmoil. I know I do. Putting thoughts to print for me is cathartic. While it's easy to share joys with others, I tend to keep my trials to myself. My keyboard allows me an opportunity to vent.

  5. Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I agree that this is a good venue for talking, expressing and even disagreement sometimes amongst people who view things in a similar way. That is a huge blessing in itself; even if we will perhaps never meet face to face.

  6. For me, my blog is really the only place where I can share my true feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, concerns, longings etc etc. Yes I have some close friends that I discuss things with on a fairly regular basis but even those friends have their own ideas and suggestions and responses that don't allow them to just listen. My blog doesn't respond back to me. I can write a blog post and be as vulnerable or reserved as I want and it's okay.

    That being said, how do I handle others' honesty through their blogs? I offer encouragement and most generally, a thoughtful prayer in my heart for that amazing individual.
